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Roundup Weed Killer- Are You at Risk?

Published October 10, 2019 by Amourgis & Associates
Roundup Weed Killer- Are You at Risk?

Roundup is the most widely used weed killer in the world. It unfortunately is very popular among homeowners for killing backyard weeds. It’s also used by many farmers to kill weeds that would prevent their crops from growing. Roundup is also used by landscapers, gardeners, groundskeepers and businesses to prevent unwanted weeds from ruining the aesthetics of their property.

What is Glyphosate?

The main ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate. Glyphosate was first registered for use in the United States in 1974. Since then, homeowners, farmers and businesses have been using glyphosate in Roundup to control weeds in their yards and crops.

Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide- meaning it will kill most plants. It works by preventing the plants from making certain proteins that are needed for plant growth. There is currently increased concern about how glyphosate impacts the risk of developing cancer among people who have been exposed to it.

Have I Been Exposed?

Chances are, you have come into contact with Roundup in your day to day life- even if you don’t apply it in your yard. It has been found in the food we eat, clothes we wear and air we breathe. However, the chances are much lower for the general public and even homeowners who use it on their lawns. What the EPA has found is that the likelihood of glyphosate exposure increased for the people who apply it to larger areas, like farmers and businesses. People with the highest exposure to glyphosate had a 41% higher risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma than people who were not exposed as frequently.

What Are the Risks?

Glyphosate has shown to encourage DNA damage in studies. It has also shown to increase the risk of certain types of cancer. Many people have been diagnosed with diseases of all kinds as a result of exposure to glyphosate. Here’s a list of some of the health problems linked to glyphosate:

  1. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma-  a blood cancer that starts in cells called lymphocytes, which are part of the body’s immune system.
  2. ADHD- also known as ADD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or attention deficit disorder) is defined by a consistent pattern of hyperactive impulsivity that interferes with daily functioning.
  3. Alzheimer’s Disease- the most common form of dementia where the patient loses their memories and cognitive decline.
  4. Autism- a developmental disability that affects the way people communicate, behave and interact with others.
  5. Brain Cancer- general signs and symptoms include headaches, nausea or vomiting and vision problems.
  6. Breast Cancer- symptoms may include, but are not limited to, a lump or mass in the breast, breast or nipple pain, nipples turning inward, nipple discharge, swelling of the breast, and many others.
  7. Heart Disease- often develops over time. Symptoms may include chest pain or angina.
  8. Reproductive Problems – Infertility, Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids, Gynecologic cancer and more.
  9. Obesity- emerging evidence shows a strong link between eating foods sprayed with glyphosate and obesity.
  10. Parkinson’s Disease- studies have shown an association between low levels of exposure of glyphosate and Parkinson’s Disease.
  11. Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS)- studies have shown that glyphosate disturbs sulfate transport from the gut to the liver. The sulfate deficiency may also occur in the brain, which has been linked to ALS.
  12. Hypothyroidism- glyphosate is a proven endocrine disruptor, leading to conditions like hypothyroidism.
  13. Liver Disease- evidence has been found to prove that glyphosate residue was found in many patients with liver disease at higher levels than those with a healthier liver.
  14. Multiple Sclerosis- As with other autoimmune disease and links to glyphosate, MS has been found to be linked to high doses of the chemical in patients.
  15. Diabetes- there are many articles and studies showing the links of pesticide exposure and the risk of diabetes.
  16. Inflammatory Bowel Disease/ Gluten Intolerance- groups of people with these conditions had elevated amounts of glyphosate in their bodies.
  17. Colitis- Similar to that of IBD (above) evidence has been linked to increased inflammation in the gut from ingesting food that has been treated with glyphosate.
  18. Depression- Glyphosate attacks gut bacteria leading to many issues. Depression is linked to those either in a direct way or as a result of being diagnosed with one of the many diseases caused by glyphosate.

19. Chronic Kidney Disease- Glyphosate has the ability to destroy renal tissue in those who have had high amounts of exposure to it.

Is Glyphosate to Blame?

While these conditions can be linked to many causes, there have been an influx of studies that suggest a strong link to glyphosate use.

Judging the potential of a pesticide being carcinogenic is not easy. Ethically speaking, you can’t just give people potentially harmful chemicals and then wait to see what will befall them. Even if you could, cancer and diseases can take years to develop.

To see if the chemicals in pesticides cause cancer or disease, researchers take a few kinds of different approaches. Researchers study the epidemiology of populations known to have been exposed to the chemical and look for patterns. They also study the effects on lab rats dosed with the chemicals to see what happens to them. Lastly, they test whether the chemicals show potential to harm a cell’s DNA in a lab setting; and thus potentially cause cancer or other disease.

You Are Not Alone

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with one of the above conditions by a medical professional; and believe it to be caused by exposure to Roundup, call our office today. We have helped many people like you get compensation. We’re here to help you through the whole process. Contact us today to set up your FREE introductory consultation: 1-844-280-0843

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